Divya’s Ayurveda Seasonal Box — Vegan

Our bodies change with the seasons and so do the foods that help us feel our best. We curate a box of products that will change each season to support you throughout the year. Subscribe and save 15% on our Seasonal Ayurveda Box, or order one time to support with a seasonal transition.

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A seasonal approach to food is both natural and beneficial for your digestive health.

Winter Guide

As the seasons shift, so do our bodies. The digestive irregularities of fall begin to stabilize as winter’s steady, reliable digestive fire increases to help maintain body temperature. This natural rise in digestive strength often brings a stronger appetite—a signal that our bodies need more fuel to stoke the inner flame. Winter is the season to build immunity and stamina, and nourishing your body with protein, minerals, and healthy fats provides the energy needed to stay warm and resilient.

That said, winter’s heartier meals can sometimes lead to stagnation: sluggish circulation, clogged channels, or blockages from undigested food. When this happens, metabolic heat can get trapped, creating an internal dryness that mirrors the effects of cold winds outside. To stay balanced, it’s essential to choose foods that support digestion and warmth without overburdening your system. Knowing what to eat and how to nourish yourself is the key to thriving through the colder months.

Balancing Foods for Winter

Eat Heavier Foods to Stay Warm, Energized, and Resilient

During winter, when daytime temperatures are consistently below 45℉, your body naturally craves more fuel to stay balanced. This is the time to embrace wholesome, cooked foods rich in protein and healthy fats. Larger portions are also fine—as long as your digestion can keep up. These warming, sustaining meals not only generate heat to counter the cold but also help your body store essential nutrients like good fats, proteins, and minerals. This reserve strengthens your immunity and keeps your energy steady, preparing you to transition smoothly into the dynamic changes that spring will bring.


What Foods Should You Eat in Winter?

In early and midwinter, prioritize the sweet, sour, and salty tastes to stay grounded and nourished. As the season begins to shift toward spring, gradually transition your diet to include more pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes to support the body’s natural rhythm and prepare for the seasonal change.

Balance with foods that are:

  • heavy (high quality dairy, basmati rice, baked goods, protein-rich)
  • moist (soups and stews)
  • oily (cultured ghee, olive oil)
  • warm, soft (cooked via stewing, boiling, braising)
  • Sweet (building foods), sour (digestive foods), and salty tastes

Examples of foods to eat during the winter:

  • soups, stews and roasts with seasonal root vegetables
  • hot ginger and other herbal teas
  • whole grain breads and healthy pastries
  • whole grains, small beans and lentils
  • A2 whole milk, fresh cheese, yogurt, ghee

Stay away from foods that are:

  • heavily sweet → While the sweet taste is balancing during the winter season, it’s important to understand that “sweet” means foods that build our bodily tissues, not necessarily sugary foods. Avoid excessive sweetness, as it can weaken your digestive fire, leading to sluggish digestion, inflammation, and potential weight gain.
  • cold and cooling (from the fridge or freezer OR have a cooling metabolic effect, like coconut)
  • iced (from the freezer)
  • raw (salads)
  • dry (crackers, chips, popcorn, buckwheat)
  • congesting (anything cold and thick such as Greek yogurt or simply too heavy for your digestion)

Examples of foods to avoid or decrease in the winter:

  • deep-fried food and nut butters
  • winter squash and large beans
  • pastries and other sweets made with refined sweeteners, flours, and oils
  • cold dairy and raw salads
  • coconut and zucchini

It is best to avoid detoxing and cleansing during the winter (unless recommended by a medical professional and while under their close supervision), as it may aggravate and increase your digestive fire, which will only further create a burning effect among your physiology if it is not properly fed (as is the case during fasting).

What’s Included in the Vegan Winter Seasonal Box

Warming Kitchari

2 meals


Warming Kitchari is a rich and peppery one-pot meal that’s perfect for the cooler months or when you’re feeling unsettled. We’ve combined soaked and dehydrated grains and lentils with our freshly ground spice blend to make a convenient, feel-good meal. Enjoy this delicious, plant-based dish as is, or add your favorite veggies. Ready in 20 minutes. Balancing for Vata.


Split Mung Bean Soup

1 meal


This traditional Ayurvedic soup, featuring protein from mung beans and vibrant savory spices, is simple to prepare and easy to digest. Known in India as “mung dal,” this dish pairs perfectly with rice, vegetables and chutney. Enjoy it any time of year or when you’re feeling imbalanced.

Jaggery Rice

1 breakfast or 2-3 snacks/desserts


Jaggery Rice is a healthy, sweet treat that satisfies your cravings while boosting energy and providing a natural source of iron. Made with jaggery, a wholesome alternative to refined sugar, it’s perfect for breakfast or dessert. Restore vitality after travel or exercise with this nourishing dish.

Immune Boost Tea

15 servings


This tea helps clear phlegm and congestion, improves circulation, and enhances digestion. It’s balancing for both Vata and Kapha doshas, reducing sluggishness and mental fog while strengthening immunity and alleviating cough.

Immune Support Broth

10 servings


This immune-boosting broth delivers the curative properties of turmeric, ginger and ajwain among a few other spices. It supports liver cleansing and reduces inflammation and body aches. It also helps open the physical channels in the body and expels excessive phlegm.

Olive Oil

12 oz.


Aside from reducing excess dryness in the body (and skin), olive oil also binds with fat-soluble toxins for removal and supports mineral absorption.

Winter Seasonal Ayurveda Box — Vegan

Support your body this season.


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